How To Grow Garlic Indoors

Learning how to grow garlic indoors will benefit you in countless ways, and your body (and wallet!) will surely thank you for it.

Garlic has always been known for its medicinal benefits and versatility as a cooking ingredient. It’s one of the staple seasonings – and rightfully so, as it makes dishes taste ten times better! And as if that’s not good enough, garlic also helps strengthen the immune system, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, and prevent dementia.

But that’s not all that garlic does. Here’s a fun fact: did you know that applying halved garlic cloves on your skin can help get rid of acne? Well, that is, if you wouldn’t mind the smell. Garlic has good antibacterial properties that help pimples dry up faster.

Growing Garlic Indoors Without Soil

In growing garlic indoors without soil, all you need is garlic, container, and water. In this method of growing garlic, it is preferred that you use a glass or see-though container so that it would be easier for you to know when you need to change the water.

A plastic bottle works, too, although glass is just so much sturdier. (And if you’re looking to post it on Instagram, a glass container makes your plant look more aesthetically pleasing!).

As for the garlic, try to find one that’s already sprouting. If you already have one at home, use it. Try looking for organically grown ones at the supermarket. If there’s still none, try finding seed garlic online or at your local plant nurseries.

Filling container

In filling the container with water, make sure it covers only the bottom of the garlic. If the water is too high, the garlic would rot.

Remember that you’re planting individual cloves of garlic, so it would be best to find a bulb with many cloves. Large cloves yield large bulbs. If you’re ready to put the garlic in the container, make sure it’s standing upright. Toothpicks can help stabilize the garlic if it can’t balance on its own.

If you have a windowsill, it’s best to place your plant there. If you don’t have one, just make sure you place the plant where it gets the most amount of light.

And in just a few days, the garlic would start to grow roots. It’s not a high-maintenance plant, so just make sure to change the water when it starts to look cloudy.

If you want to harvest garlic shoots, make sure they’re at least three inches tall, and don’t remove so much if you still want to grow garlic because the shoots allow them to get energy from the sun.

The good thing about garlic sprouts is that they’re really good for the health and have a milder flavor than the actual garlic bulb.

Check my other post on growing garlic in your backyard.

Growing Garlic Indoors Under Lights

Growing garlic indoors under lights is advisable only for those who get very little sunlight.

To do this, you will need a container with draining holes. This should be at least eight inches wide and deep.

As for the soil, it should be able to drain well as well as retain moisture. Before putting the cloves, make sure that the soil is damp and loose.

After that, make sure that the cloves are facing up when you plant them in the soil. The tips should be left exposed.

The plant should receive about six to eight hours of sunlight daily. However, if you don’t get much sun where you live, it’s best to have grow lights.

If you’re using grow lights, it’s best to place your plant on the floor so that the grow lights can be adjusted as the plant grows.

You’ll know your garlic bulbs are ready for harvest when the leaves turn brown and dry up around three months after planting it.

How to Grow an Endless Supply of Garlic Indoors

If you’re wondering how to grow an endless supply of garlic indoors, all you have to do is take some cloves from the garlics you’ve just harvested and then plant them again the same way you started.

Doing so helps you lessen your expenses, as well as makes sure that you’re only consuming organic and non-processed garlic. Most of the garlics sold in supermarkets are mass-produced daily and therefore most probably genetically modified and sprayed with growth inhibitors so that they don’t sprout at least while on display.

These chemicals can be washed off with water, but you still won’t know just how much it could harm you. Plus, it just puts you at so much ease knowing exactly what you used in growing your own garlic.

And, hey, an endless supply of garlic also means an endless protection from vampires! Yay!

But kidding aside, after learning how to grow garlic indoors and trying it out for yourself, you’ll soon realize that it’s very convenient to always have garlic ready at your disposal. You’ll never know when you’ll need garlic, and with the quarantine, it won’t be that easy to run to the supermarket just to grab one or two so that you could cook your dinner. Do you want to starve or eat bland food? I don’t think so!

With all the uses that garlic has, whether food or non-food, it truly is a practical plant to raise. It’s not very space-consuming, and it’s also not very expensive as you can grow it in a glass and with a little amount of water.


It’s true that a little goes a long way, especially with garlic! You’ll only have to buy soil, fertilizer, and pots at the beginning of growing your own plant and you’ll be set for as long as you want it. And what’s a little more expense at the start compared to a lifetime supply of one of the most useful plants in the world?

Now that you know how to grow garlic indoors, you’ll probably realize that garlic is an easy-to-grow plant, even for complete beginners. And the best thing about it is that it’s low maintenance! So, you could go on about seizing the day like you normally would, and it would only take you a maximum of five minutes to check on your plant and make sure it’s growing well.

Easy as pie, right? Now get right to it. Happy gardening!

Check my other post on sustainable farming.

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