Chicken Egg Colors – Which chicken lays which egg color?

Blue, green, rose, brown, and olive – these are some of the chicken egg colors that some types of chicken lay. Adding layers of eggs with different colors lend magic that makes the crowd flock to your table in the market. If you are interested in various chicken egg colors, you may want to check the types of chickens that lay colorful eggs.


Sometimes, Ameraucanas are mistaken with Araucanas, however, if the chickens have tails, they are Ameraucanas. These types of chicken are easy going. They have a variety of colors, and they lay blue eggs.

Easter Eggers

This type of chicken is a fabulous bird. They are smart, friendly, and cold and heat hardy. They lay a lot during winter. Their eggs vary from blue, rose, brown, green, and so on. Easter Eggers usually have large eggs, but they are not huge birds, yet they are lovely pets. People love their egg colors.


Genetically, Araucanas lay a blue egg. Its breed is a native of Chile. One of the common characteristics of Araucanas is that it is rumpled. Araucanas does not have tails.

More often, they are tufts of feathers, but they are not always tufted. This type of bird is self-assured and has a mild-temperament. 


Marans usually lay pale brown eggs, but also comes in blue, solid black, copper, splash, wheaten, and other colors are being developed. This type of chicken is calm, medium-sized, and easy-going birds. One of the distinct characteristics of Maran is that it lays an egg of at least four to five.

Cream Legbar

Cream Legbar is a type of chicken that also lays blue eggs. It started after Great Britain crossed-breed a Barred Plymouth Rocks, Araucanas, and Gold Leghorns. Cream Legbar is not flighty, but fabulous foragers. They are also very active.


This type of chicken originated in Spain; it is known for laying the darkest kind of egg, but its eggs are beautiful at its dark reddish-brown. Having a type-A bodybuilder, they are wary of their surroundings.


This type of chicken is the best all-around chicken. It has a Type B build and also a great forager. Welsummer lays a large chocolate brown eggs that have dark speckles. It does well both in hot and cold temperatures. I like this type of chicken because it is a deep layer; it is friendly, and it is the sweetest tempered chicken in the flock.

These types of chicken need appropriate nutritional requirements. A protein level of about 20% does well during the laying season. It has an average of ¼ pound of feed for each one in a day.

Of course, it may be less if they are out foraging during summer and cold weather. Hens also need calcium because eggshells are calcium carbonate.

Sometimes, we get thin eggshells, and it simply means that they need more supplements. As a caretaker of these chickens, you can offer a free-choice oyster shell. If they need some, they will take it.

Remember that when hens do not have enough protein, they may start to eat their own eggs. This is a destructive behavior that becomes a bad habit. It can become difficult to stop.

Check my other post on DIY chicken coop.

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