Duck Eggs – What You Should Know

Duck eggs are similar to the chicken’s just about 50% bigger than the average jumbo chicken egg. That means more contents inside and larger egg yolk as compared to the chicken egg. It has a higher nutrient concentration than the chicken’s egg.

What’s unique about a duck’s egg?

They are attractive and come in a variety of colors, Cayuga duck, for example, lays ash-colored eggs invariants of grey to nearly dark color. Other breeds lay white eggs, light-green eggs, and brown eggs.

The duck’s eggshell is thicker than that of chicken’s egg. A property that duck farmers boast of longer shelf life compared to chicken eggs. What’s more about the duck egg is what is inside. Transparent egg white and precious egg yolk which many chefs adore because it’s much bigger than the egg yolk.

The nutritional value of ducks eggs is significantly higher both in fats and cholesterol than that of chicken eggs. They also contain high protein value and a high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids a favorite meal for paleo dieters seeking high-fat foods.

About safety concerns, it is safe to eat. There have been Salmonella myth over the years scaring people to consuming it, but the truth is, there is no proven evidence that suggests it is more dangerous than the chicken eggs. The same regulations applied to the chicken eggs are applied to duck eggs and so are the ostrich’s and quails’.

Cooking with other food

You can cook these eggs with other food the same way you could cook chicken eggs with other food. In fact, there is nothing a chicken egg can do that a duck egg cannot. Because a duck egg is larger than a chicken egg, their recipes won’t be the same, you will need to figure out how much of an egg ratio is enough in duck eggs.

But in most cases, duck egg is cooked the same way as a chicken egg. They can be fried, boiled and poached.

These eggs are popular in Asian Cuisines – Chinese and Vietnamese countries. The most popular way to prepare them is by salting. They are more delicious than chicken eggs because they feed on bugs, snails, and slugs often than plant matter.

The cost of duck eggs is more than those of chicken eggs because of its size and the nutritious content it bears. Duck is available in most local stores, though not as frequent as the chicken eggs, they can be readily available in most grocery shops.

Well, if you haven’t tried it till now, I bet you are in for a treat, try duck eggs today from a farmers store and you will see some of the reasons they are far much better than the chicken eggs today.


It is clear that ducks so far have much more benefits than chicken eggs do. Even though they are a little bit expensive, they are worth it. Check out the gallery below for duck eggs with different colors and sizes for your inspiration.

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