Growing Mushrooms in Your Backyard

Although mushrooms seem different than other types of vegetables, it is a favorite chameleon of many. In fact, most gardeners love growing mushrooms because these are fat-free, filled with vitamins, low in calories, has antioxidants, and other nutrients.

It is necessary to establish the right growing condition to grow mushroom. If you have the right materials, you can grow healthy mushrooms. Just follow the steps below.

Kinds of Mushroom 

Mushrooms have many types, and some of them are Crimini, Enoki, Maitake, Portobello, Oyster, Shiitake, and White Button. Each of these types of mushrooms has its specific growing needs.

So, you must know the kind of mushroom to grow so that you can provide its growing needs. For example, a White Button mushroom needs a composted manure to grow while the Shiitake grows on hardwood or wood, and oyster grows on straw.

Usually, White Button mushroom is the easiest type to grow. 

How does Mushroom Grow

A mushroom grows from spores and not seeds. These are tiny that you can’t even see the individual spores using your naked eye.

Since the spores do not contain chlorophyll to start germinating like how the seeds do, they rely on other substances like grain, straw, wooden plugs, liquid nourishment, wood chips, etc.

A mixture of the spores and the nutrients is called spawn. It acts as a starter as if you need to make sourdough bread. 

The spawn sustains the growth of the mushroom’s tiny and threadlike roots known as mycelium. The mycelium grows at first before anything that is like a mushroom pushes to the growing medium.

Spawn itself can grow a mushroom, but you will have a healthier mushroom if the spawn is applied to the growing medium.

Depending on the type of mushroom, the medium can be straw, logs, cardboard, compost with a blend of materials, wood chips, and others. 

Locations to Grow Mushroom

Mushroom prefers a cool, dark, moist, and humid environment. If you grow mushroom at home, your basement or the spot under the sink are ideal places. If not, you can look for other locations, but make sure to check the temperature to see if the mushrooms will grow there.

Usually, they grow in an environment with a temperature between 55 and 60 degrees F. It should be away from direct heat. 

The Process to Grow Mushroom

If you will grow your mushroom indoors, use some materials that can assist you in planting. You can buy a mushroom kit that already includes the growing medium inoculated with mushroom spawn. 

  • Fill the tray with compost. A 14×16 inch dee that resembles the seeds flat can be used. Put the mushroom compost and inoculate with spawn. 
  • Use heating pads. It is better to use a heating pad to increase the temperature of the soil to an around 70 degrees F three weeks after you notice the mycelium. Then drop the temperature to 55 to 60 degrees F.
  • Keep the soil moist. You can do it by spritzing the soil with water and cover it with a damp cloth. Keep spritzing when the cloth dries. 

Harvest the Mushroom

A button mushroom appears within three up to four weeks. It would help if you harvested them when you see the caps open. You can cut its stalk using a knife from the stem.

Avoid pulling the mushroom because you may damage the fungi around it that is still on the process of developing. If you harvest your mushroom daily, you will see a continuous crop for six months.

Hope you enjoy our guide on growing mushrooms. For more growing guide, check out our other growing guide below:

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