“How much sun do tomatoes need?” and other question related to tomato growing.

How much sun do tomatoes need? Did you know that people used to be afraid of tomatoes? They used to think it was poisonous because it belonged to the same family as the belladonna, which is a deadly nightshade plant.

Some of the direct translations of the tomato’s names in other cultures include “plump thing with a navel” and “wolf peach” due to its characteristics and general appearance.

There are a whole lot of other varieties of tomatoes, and you’d be surprised to know that they also come in different colors like yellow, white, pink, purple, and black. Tomatoes are easy to grow and maintain, which is why some people consider it a staple crop in every garden.

In this simple guide to tomato growing, we’ll be addressing questions such as the following:

  • How much water do tomatoes need?
  • How much sun do tomatoes need?
  • Can you grow two tomato plants together?
  • How much light do tomatoes need indoors?

How Much Water Do Tomatoes Need?

If you’re starting tomatoes from seeds, start them indoors. Tomato seedlings do not need much water, but at this stage, the soil tends to dry out quickly. Once they start growing, they’re going to need more water. What you should do is to check your soil regularly just to make sure it hasn’t dried out.

Use a spray bottle to mist your seedlings. Never let them sit in a puddle of water. If you’ve accidentally watered them too much, move your container where it could get a lot of air so that the water would disappear faster. Stop watering your plant temporarily until it goes back to its normal soil conditions.

Water requirement depends on the variety of tomato you’re planting, but generally speaking, garden tomatoes need about an inch or two of water every week.

When the temperatures rise, you may need to water your plants two times per day, depending on your climate.

It would be best to water plants early in the morning so that they can absorb it well throughout the day.

If your plant starts to dry up quicker than you expected, it may be time to transplant them to a bigger container or onto your garden.

How Much Light Do Tomatoes Need Indoors?

Before we answer that, let’s address this question first: “how much sun do tomatoes need?”

Sunlight isn’t the only important thing in growing tomatoes. First, you will need a fertile, well-draining soil, preferably with a pH level of 6.0 – 6.8.

Tomatoes typically require at least eight hours of sunlight daily. It doesn’t matter whether they get morning or afternoon light. What matters is that they get a total of at least eight hours under full sun.

Protect your tomato plant from the sun during the hottest part of the day so that your plant wouldn’t get stressed. You can use a cloth or another plant to shade your tomato plant from the harsh heat.

Generally speaking, your tomato plant would only need to be shaded from the noontime sun from 12 PM to 2 PM. After that, you can leave your plant to receive morning and afternoon light.

Growing in containers

If you’re growing tomatoes in containers, you can easily just move your pot inside the house during the noontime sun.

Now, if you’re growing your tomatoes completely indoors, make sure to place them by the window or a screen door. If you have a balcony, that would be a good spot, too.

However, if you’re living in an area where you don’t get much sun or where you only have small windows, the best thing to do is to purchase grow lights.

This would be a good investment, especially if you’re planning to raise other crops at home. Grow lights mimic the sunlight so that when you place your plant under it, it would feel as though it’s still getting sunlight.

Just make sure to keep other factors as ideal as possible for your plant to grow well.

Read my other article on tomato plant diseases and treatments.

Can You Plant Two Tomato Plants Together?

The straight answer is no. While it sounds plausible and sensible to grow two tomato plants together, it wouldn’t really work.

Placing tomato plants too close to each other would only make them compete with each other.  Space, water, and soil nutrients would have to be compromised for both plants. It wouldn’t work to give twice as much water or nutrients, as the two plants would still be fighting over it.

Growing two tomato plants together would only work if they’re properly spaced at least two feet apart. This applies even to varieties of tomatoes that are specifically for indoor growth.

It will never work to grow two tomato plants in the same pot or container that’s meant for one plant. It wouldn’t make them bushier or produce more yields. If anything, it actually produces much less yields as both plants would probably just die from lack of water and nutrients.

The key to growing multiple tomato plants is to give them their own space where they can thrive and get full sun, water, and nutrients to themselves without having the additional stress of having to compete with other plants.


That’s about it for today’s simple guide to growing tomatoes. Again, just to recap, tomato plants generally need one to two inches of water weekly.

As for the question, “how much sun do tomatoes need?”, they would need about eight hours of full sunlight daily. When grown indoors, they need the same amount under grow lights.

Lastly, multiple tomato plants can’t be grown together in the same container or same area. They need to be properly spaced so that they can thrive and give you abundant harvest.

Tomatoes have very versatile uses in the kitchen – from side dishes and omelets, to tomato sauce pastas and full-on dinner courses.

They’re also rich in lycopene which helps the body fight against heart diseases and certain types of cancer. It would be healthier if tomatoes are cooked rather than eaten raw, as cooking activates beneficial chemicals for the body. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to plant your own tomatoes now! Happy gardening!

Read my other article on salsa garden ideas.

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