How to Keep Chickens From Flying? [2022 Guide]

While chickens are not known to have the ability to fly, they can be very notorious in short flights when they are threatened. This makes chasing chickens are very tedious job, and if your compound does not have a taller fence, then these ‘flightless’ birds can give you a run for your money. These escapees can be in trouble if they manage to fly to danger areas. So how do you keep chickens from flying?

There are a few methods that, if you follow correctly, will keep your birds safe and prevent them from flying all over the place. This article will provide with you with a few easy to follow procedures. That will help you tame chicken escapees that are notorious flighty birds. Let’s begin.

Clipping Their Wings

Numerous chicken farmers opt for this method as it is a sure way of preventing their chickens from flying; besides, what better way than to act on the tool for flight. Clipping their wings also ensures that there is the maintenance of harmony within the flock. In a group of chicken. It is a common sight to see a single bird fly away, squawking and flapping loudly.

Now that that is laid out, which feathers are you supposed to trim? To achieve this, spread out one of the chicken’s wings. After doing this, you need to act on the primary flight feathers. As these are the ones responsible for taking off. Being the longest feather, it shouldn’t be hard to locate them, and for chickens. They are ten in total, and their color is different from the others.

When clipping their wings, you do not need to trim both of the wings. Only one will be enough for grounding the notorious escapees. This is because when one wing is clipped, it will mess with the balance of the bird.

Interested in a DIY Chicken coop? Read here.

How to trim the wings

First, you need to catch the chicken, and this is the hardest part since some chickens are tough to catch. Some chickens fear humans, and others are just docile. Once you are successful, apply pressure to those wings while picking them up.

You should calm the chicken down for about a minute or so then invert it. You will find that after inverting the chicken, it becomes quiet, and after this, you need to expose the wing that is going to be clipped. Remember, you are going for the primary flight feathers.

The idea is when clipping their wings, ensure that you cut only a importantamount while avoiding cutting close to its wings because this will make them bleed. Blood veins are present in chicken wings extended to about an inch into the feathers. Cutting below this point will be painless for the chicken since, at this point, the feather is utterly dead.

Cutting above this point will cause the chicken to start bleeding, at which point, you need to apply pressure at the feather’s tip using a rag then visit a veterinarian. Before this, you can apply corn flour or starch to the bleeding feather, which will help in blood clotting. Alternatively, grabbing the feather by the base using a pair of pliers and completely removing it should help in a chicken clot. This is a painful process that will keep chickens from flying, but it will help save its life.

Installing a Higher Fence

As apparent as this alternative seems, it is a highly effective method in preventing your flock from flying away. Naturally, chickens are flightless birds, and they were born that way. Consequently, it is unheard of for these birds to fly far up to the sky even with their exhaustingefforts. Adding a wire fence or wire mesh above your existing fence will definitely prevent your chickens from having the advantage of jumping over.

Adding Chicken Coops

Employing the services of chicken coops is an excellent way if your birds are not notorious for making a run for it whenever they get the chance. Your chickens enjoy the benefits of free-ranging if they are kept in a run. They get to enjoy plenty of grit, bugs, and worms together with fresh grass. In addition to this, they get the chance to stretch out their wings at the same time staying safe and away from predators. Your neighbors will enjoy their peace since your flock will be at peace, therefore, eliminating any chances of them being a bother.

You do not have to worryif your flock like to fly as there are numerous ways to keep chickens from flying.


While chickens are not known to have the ability to fly, they can be very notorious in short flights when they are threatened. This makes chasing chickens are very tedious job, and if your compound does not have a taller fence, then these ‘flightless’ birds can give you a run for your money. Numerous chicken farmers opt for this method as it is a sure way of preventing their chickens from flying; besides, what better way than to act on the tool for flight.

To keep chickens from flying, clipping their wings also ensures that there is the maintenance of harmony within the flock. In a group of chicken, it is a common sight to see a single bird fly away, squawking and flapping loudly. As apparent as this alternative seems, it is a highly effective method in preventing you flock from flying away. Employing the services of chicken coops is an excellent way if your birds are not notorious for making a run for it whenever they get the chance. Your chickens enjoy the benefits of free-ranging if they are kept in a run. So now, you have all the knowledge that will help in controlling your birds.

Check my article on DIY Chicken tractor.

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