3 Plants that Snakes Don’t Like: Some Might Shock You

A lot of people are frightened by snakes. Their long size and movement make them very scary. Their camouflage is also well-developed since their skin is so easy to be hidden in the environment. This fact makes it even harder to notice them and make them scarier. Snakes live in every kind of habitat, such as in grasslands, forests, deserts, and some snakes live in water as well.

Snakes might even come to our gardens, near our homes. A lot of people call these snakes gardener snakes, but they belong to the family of Garter Snakes in North America. These snakes usually have small sizes, and their moves are pretty quick. Most of them are not dangerous to humans, so there is nothing to be afraid of. However, their swift action still scares most people.

Since they can appear in our garden but are not dangerous, there are plants that snakes don’t like, which we can use to deter them.

Plants that Snakes Don’t Like and Actually Like

Plants that Attract Snakes

Maybe you have noticed a snake in your garden. Are you wondering where it came from? Well, there are plants that attract snakes to your garden but you might not be aware of them. It is important to know the source of the problem so that you can prevent it in the future.

Snakes usually prefer gardens because they can find hiding places in there. Their primary interest is not the plants that your garden has but rather the food that they can find there. They like food such as frogs and lizards.

One of the main plants that attract snakes is the groundcover. All plants that grow beyond the ground are called groundcover. These are important for the garden habitat since they protect the soil from erosion. What’s more, they also protect it from drought. Snakes love groundcover since they can hide in it and move freely. So, if you have one of these at home, you should definitely lookout.

Vine is another plant that attracts snakes. These refer to all plants that grow while they climb on a wall.  They are also ideal for snakes since they provide covering for snakes. Other flowers that grow in low levels are also very desired by snakes since they can hide in these parts and hunt from them.

If you have any of these, watch out and be careful. You might have snakes in your garden!

How to Repel Snakes Naturally

One of the main ways to repel snakes naturally is to use plants that snakes don’t like. Simply by planting them in your garden or by keeping them in the garden, you can deter snakes. 

Marigolds are the best plants to deter snakes. These flowers are gorgeous, and they belong to the family of sunflowers. The main reason why they are a threat to snakes is because of their roots. Their roots go very deeply into the soil, and it spread very aggressively. This makes the roots have an unpleasant smell, which makes them unbearable to the snakes. So, they will stay away from it and your garden. Another great thing is that these flowers will look gorgeous in your garden. So, it is a win-win!

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue is another plant that snakes don’t like. This is also called Snake Plant. The leaves of this plant are very sharp, which deters snakes. These also offer a beautiful view in the garden and it is easy to plant them. When you plant them once, they can last for several years. Also, you do not need to water them often. 

Garlic is another plant that deters snakes. The strong odor that comes from the plant actually drives snakes away. Similarly, onions can also be used to deter snakes. You might also benefit from planting these products since they are also very healthy for our body. 

It is important to remember that if the snake is used to these odors, they will not be deterred. So, if you are growing onions, and the snake brings into life another snake that means that onions will not deter the newborn snake. Therefore, you should observe these situations carefully.

What Smell Do Snakes Hate?

Apart from plants that snakes don’t like, there are also aromas and smells that snakes hate. While some aromas might be pleasant for us humans, there are many of them that deter snakes. So, what smell do snakes hate?

Ammonia is among the most hated odors for snakes. They will immediately go away as soon as they feel it. It is beneficial to use ammonia in different ways such as placing it in areas where the snake went or just opening a bottle so that the odor comes out. 

Vinegar is another odor that snakes don’t like. It is especially useful if you have water areas near your garden, and you have snakes near them. Vinegar is a natural option and will not cause injuries to the habitat. 

The next one sounds incredible, but snakes hate cinnamon or any cinnamon-related products. If you happen to have any kind of cinnamon products, you can use them to deter snakes away from your garden.  


You may have different species that may damage your garden. One of these are snakes. Snakes might not cause big harms to your plants since they are there mainly for the food and the habitat. They love garden plants and flowers since they provide a hiding place for them. It is so easy to hunt from there for them. So, of course they will come to your garden and try to become a part of it.

Although the harm might not be huge, it is very difficult to have a snake in your garden. Most of us are scared of them. So, we try to deter them in natural ways. There are several plants that snakes don’t like so we can turn to those. The odor or the simple sight of these plants can deter these animals. Also, most of these plants do not need much effort to be planted or taken care of. 

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