Urban Gardening

Urban gardening is an approach where techniques and growing and raising crops in densely populated cities. There are a plethora of techniques city dwellers employ like rooftop gardening, vertical gardening, container gardening and more. You can easily replenish your kitchen supplies with container or rooftop gardening. An exercise which in the past, city population depended on food supplies from the rural farmers. Today, a city dweller can grow vegetables on containers arranged along the patios. They can rear bees on the rooftops, and life goes on.

History of urban farming

Urban gardening is not a new concept. It is known to have existed during the ancient Egypt movement where community waste was used in urban centres for gardening. Urban gardening was used during world war I and world war II in response to food shortages.

Tips for urban farming

Today, people living in urban centres can make extra income through urban gardening techniques. They supply their kitchen with fresh and quality vegetables through urban gardening techniques. If you are an urban centre dweller, there are tips for you to grow fresh vegetables even with limited space for farming. Urban gardening has a huge impact on food security, economy and environment.

Of interesting are the two forms of urban gardening – rooftop gardening and container gardening. Container gardening is a practice suitable for those with small space like patios and balconies. Rooftop gardening implies converting your rooftops to gardening through raised beds, adding soil to the rooftops for growing crops and more. Rooftop gardening is a practice of growing reasonable amount of vegetables and big plants.

To successfully grow plants, you need only three main requirements; light, soil and water. Luckily, crops flourish well in containers even better than on the ground. Make sure your crops get access to direct sunlight for at least 8 hours a day. With permission, you can make raised beds on the rooftop of a complex to grow fresh farm crops. The main advantage of the rooftops is the accessibility to sunlight. If you are many tenants interested in growing crops on the rooftop, you can arrange to partition for everyone. Soil depth is key. Keep the soil depth optimum for each appropriate crops and maintain good drainage. Feed your soil with a balanced nutrient content for better yields. You should keep your soil moist always to enhance the uptake of nutrients.

Impacts of urban farming

There is more than food security people find in the practice. For example, people find solace in growing crops around their offices or homes. Seeing crops flourish, reduce stress levels among the owners. A green environment filled with edible vegetables and fruits is more habitable to many. Urban gardening gives people something to occupy themselves with during free time. Instead of loitering with nothing important to do, they attend to their city gardens.

Now that you know there is so much you can do on your patios, rooftops, on your window panes, you can supply your kitchen with fresh vegetables. You can also make extra cash by practising urban gardening. Check out the following gallery for more inspiration into urban gardening.

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