7 Types Of Basil You Should Try Growing In Your Garden

There are currently more than 30 types of basil that are available for growing. The most common one is the Genovese or sweet basil, although some people argue that these two are different from each other and cannot be used interchangeably.

Sweet basil has a warm flavor with clove and anise undertones. This is the type of basil you usually taste in dishes or see in gardens. It pairs well with tomatoes for a tomato basil pasta, and with lemons for a lemon basil chicken. It can also be paired with garlic, cheese, and olives to create other delectable dishes.

The flowers of sweet basil can even be used for garnishing dishes just to add that little extra aesthetic and taste, especially in salads and smoothies.

However, sweet basil isn’t the only type of basil that matters. Here are seven types of basil and their uses so that you know which variety you can try growing next time.

Compact Basils — Fino Verde and Dwarf Greek Basil

Fino Verde may also be referred to as Spicy Globe basil. This variety of basil is the best type of basil to be grown in containers, especially if you don’t have much space. Take note, though, that Fino Verde needs enough air circulation, so make sure that each plant has its own square foot in your container or garden. As it grows, trim it occasionally to keep the plant bushy.

It tastes a lot like Genovese basil, although Fino Verde has more ginger undertones and is a little spicy. The best thing about Fino Verde is that all of its parts (even the twigs) can be used for cooking — there wouldn’t be any waste!

Dwarf Greek basil also grows into a small spherical bush that’s good for growing indoors. Its leaves are small enough that it can be dried easily and used for garnish in dishes like garlic bread or stews. Interestingly, it’s also sometimes used as a mosquito and pest repellent due to its sweet scent. Some claim it even has medicinal uses like treating muscle spasms and relieving water retention in the body.

This type of basil is widely used in Greece and is famous for improving the taste of dishes that use tomato sauce and other Italian food.

Tinged Basils — African Blue and Dark Opal Basil

African Blue basil starts off with bluish purple leaves that turn bright green over time. This type of basil is used in skincare products. It has antioxidants that make for a good anti-aging property. They also help the body fight against skin diseases and bacteria. It also contains camphor that help relieve skin irritation and prevent the skin from sagging due to its astringent properties. It also has essential oils that have anti-inflammatory properties.

The leaves of the African Blue basil are sometimes also used to give additional colors to dishes and to slightly improve the taste of salads or pizzas. Its flowers are also added to sour cream and champagne to slightly make its flavor more refreshing.

Dark Opal basil is one of the most famous types of basil because of its color. Most basil plants are green, but the Dark Opal has purple leaves and stems. Because of this, it’s often used to improve the aesthetics of a dish without worrying about compromising the taste, as it’s similar to that of a regular garden basil.

Dark Opal is also referred to as Purple Basil and is also often used to embellish drinks like lemonades and juices.

Basils Across Asia — Holy, Lemon, and Thai Basil

The Holy basil got its name from India, where it is considered a sacred plant and is never used for cooking. They can be seen planted around shrines and monuments. It’s sometimes also called Tulsi in Hindu belief as it is believed to be the earthly manifestation of the goddess Tulsi or Vrinda.

This strongly scented basil is also believed to have medicinal properties such as relieving headaches and reducing stress levels. It’s also a natural antioxidant for the body.

Lemon Basil, on the other hand, is widely used in Persian, Indonesian, and Malaysian cuisines. Some Thai dishes also make use of Lemon basils. It technically still tastes like basil, but with citrus undertones and sweet aroma. Lemon basils are delicious when eaten raw in a salad or when incorporated with other ingredients in dishes like chicken or fish.

A close relative of lemon basil is the rarer lime basil. Has citrus flavors and aroma and are quite versatile when used in the kitchen. Works as an insect repellent but attracts bees for pollination. It also has medicinal uses such as treating an upset stomach and strengthening the immune system. It also has antioxidants that help the body flush out wastes.

Thai basil has small and pointy leaves with purple flowers and stems. This certain type of basil has a spicy licorice flavor that greatly improve dishes. It’s popular not just in Thailand, but also in Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. They’re usually added at the last minute for garnish and extra flavor. It has a strong spicy taste when eaten raw, but it gets toned down when cooked.


There are other types of basil like the mammoth basil which produces big leaves similar to that of lettuce. It’s sometimes referred to as lettuce leaf basil. It has a strong and sweet taste that’s used in cooking.

Another interesting type of basil is the cinnamon basil which still basically tastes like basil but with cinnamon undertones. If you’re not a fan of cinnamon, you won’t be a fan of this as well.

Lastly, if you’re a fan of licorice, there’s actually a licorice basil and it tastes exactly like it but healthier. Not many people like its taste, but if you’re vibing with it, then you should definitely give it a try.

The point is, there are a lot of choices in terms of growing basil. So, make sure to find one to your liking and check if it can grow well in your area. Happy gardening!

Check my other post on Urban gardening and Small vegetable garden.

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