Top Bar Beehive in Your Backyard

A Top Bar Beehive is the most commonly known style of a hive in the world. It may be the oldest, but it is still Beekeeper’s beehive favorite. It is becoming a trend among those with small sustainable backyard farm.

Features an individual bar across the top. The bees build their comb below these bars without using a four sides foundation or frame.

Usually, the bars are wooden wedges or a strip that has a guide, ensuring that the combs hang straightly. 

Origin of Top Bar Beehive

For thousands of years before, Top Bar Beehive has already been used in the management of bees. Evidence came out that Top Bar Beehive was once used in Greece as a form of a pot or a basket with sticks across the top. 

Parts of Top Bar Beehive

Top Bar Beehive consists of several components. Each component has different variations. All Top Bar Beehive has a hive body, ventilated roof, top bars, foundation, queen excluder, and observation window. 

  • The Hive Body holds the top bars, and it has the entrance to the beehive. However, it can have more than one entry, and it can be at the side also or at the observation windows. 
  • Ventilated Roof covers the hive body and other components. It can be hinged or may be removable from the beehive. 
  • The Top Bars function like a beehive frame. A beehive needs a surface to which honeybees will be attached and draw comb. 
  • The Foundation of Top Bar Beehives has plenty of advantages. It can make it easy for the bees to build a straight comb and not bulge on it. It also helps the bees to build their comb quickly. 
  • Queen Excluder is not usually a component of a Top Bar Beehive. A natural queen exclusion may happen because of the structure of the hive. The queen excluder is like a beehive frame. 
  • Observation Window varies depending on the preference of the Beekeeper. However, the primary purpose of the Observation Window is to allow the Beekeeper to look into the hive without opening the beehive. 

Advantages of Top Bar Beehive

Most users of Top Bar Beehive like this type of hive because there is no need for heavy lifting, bending, or crouching to inspect the hive.

The combs are easy to remove, and there is a full-length observation window. Bees are even more docile during the inspections because you only open a small portion of the hive.

Top Bar Beehives are very friendly for the bees and their life cycles. Its layout mimics the hollows that bees see in trees, and a well-constructed hive is not heavy. 

Equipment for Top Bar Beehive Management

  • A beekeeping suit, boots, and gloves are necessary or hive management. Your suit must include a veil that will protect your face. 
  • A hive tool between 14 and 17 inches is okay. 
  • You may need a sting remedy if you get stung. 
  • A bee smoker and a fuel for it is necessary 
  • A spray bottle when using sugar water instead of smoke
  • Bee brush to brush the bees off the comb

Check my article on DIY Beehive Designs.

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