Brown Tips on Peace Lily: 5 Ways to Avoid this Situation

Having brown tips on Peace Lily? The green leaves and the lovely flowers of the peace lilies make a massive contribution to your living room. These slightly, elegant and porcelain-color plants are perfect for any sight that gazes on them, but there can be a problem that hinders the peace lilies beauty.

There are many varieties of these herbaceous perennials that are grown due to their abundance in flower production. Brown tips on peace lily leaves are a clear indication that your plants need your attention. The appearance of leaves with brown tips is a sign that you are not taking care of your plants with the proper and necessary care. This includes improper watering as well as fertilization practices that you might be practicing on your plants. But brown tips on peace lily foliage are a problem that can be handled easily. Read on to find out.

What Causes Brown Tips on Peace Lily Leaves

fresh peace lilies have stalk bearing emerging from a heapingmass of silkygreen leaves. These stalks bear the beautiful looking flowers that look like lilies. When you start noticing brown tips on your peace lily leaves, you need to change your care tactics on your plants immediately. This is because brown tips on peace lily leaves are, in most cases, caused by improper care of your plants.

Different species of house plants have their own requirements for the fundamentalsthey require for growth, such as water, soil, sun, and fertilizer. Getting any of these essential requirements wrong will lead to your plants suffering.


Probably the most common cause of brown tips on peace lily is irrigation. It is highly recommended that you wait until your plants wilt before starting irrigation on them. Consequently, not giving your plants enough water will lead the leaves to develop brown tips. For instance, waiting to irrigate your plants to the point they become wilted rather than being, to some extent,wilted—is caused by brown tips on peace lily plants.

On the other hand, too much water for your plants to the point the soil is wet means trouble for the peace lily leaves as well. This will reveal the same symptoms.


Peace lily plants love warm and wet environments. To provide this warmth to your plants, you can keep your plans on a big saucer. Fill the bowl with pebbles together with water as this will give the peace lily plants with the warmth they so badly need. Failure to do so will still not harm your plants; however, placing them in a heat vent’s path will harm them. The final result is severe leaf damage in the form of brown tips on the peace lily leaves.


The use of surplusfertilizer leads to the formation of brown tips on the peace lily leaves. You need to watch on the feed you give your peace lilies, once in a couple of months is enough. Make sure that you have diluted the solution until it is ratherweak. In addition to this, salty water causes brown tips on peace lily. If you are in doubt the water you are using to irrigate your plants, you can opt for distilled water instead.

Trimming the Brown-tipped Leaves of Peace lily Plants

Trimming is essential for your plants as this will reduce problems that are often associated with browning. However, brown tips on peace lily plants are not always caused by the named causes. In some cases, it occurs naturally produced by the aging of the stem.

Before you begin trimming the affected leaves of peace lily plants, ensure that your sterilizing tools are sterilized. Alcohol should be used to wipe the blades or, preferably, a household disinfectant will work. They should dry appropriately as this will help in preventing the spread of disease to the entire plant.

Begin by trimming off the affected leaves just below the browned area towards the green partof the leaves. This section of the sheet will not grow back. However, you will have eliminated the browned part.

Pruning of old stalks that have changed color to brown from the plant’s base and at the soil line is a requirement. These stalks will not grow back and expect to seen new ones rising from the bottom of the plant. If the whole stem is affected, due to using excess fertilizer or over-watering, you need to prune off the affected stalk as well as the leaf. You should perform this exercise form the base of the plant. Practices of watering and adding fertilizer should be monitored to ensure that they are done correctly.

When a segmentof the stem plus leaf is affected, cut off the entire leaf as well as a part of the affected stem. Make a clean cut into the stem’s green area with your pruners just below the area that has changed color.


Fresh peace lilies have stalk bearing emerging from a heaping mass of silky green leaves. Different species of house plants have their own requirements for the basics they require for growth, such as water, soil, sun, and fertilizer. Probably the most common cause of brown tips on peace lily is irrigation, and it is highly recommended that you wait until your plants wilt before starting irrigation on them.

Peace lily plants love warm and wet environments, and to provide this warmth to your plants, you can keep your plans on a big saucer. Also, the use of surplus fertilizer leads to the formation of brown tips on the peace lily leaves. You need to watch on the feed you give your peace lilies, once in a couple of months is enough. Trimming is essential for your plants as this will reduce problems that are often associated with browning. Before you begin trimming the affected leaves of peace lily plants, ensure that your sterilizing tools are sterilized. Begin by trimming off the affected leaves just below the browned area towards the green segment of the leaves.

Read my other post on Planting varieties of lilies and Urban gardening.

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