Backyard Pond Ideas for your backyard

A pond in your backyard looks beautiful and accents the followers surrounding it to form a breathtaking view. Nothing matches the crystalline looks of a great and well-crafted garden pond. Adding a pond to your garden raises your game in garden landscaping ideas. It seems spectacle when flowers and green vegetation reflects under your tiny water pond. And nothing relieves …

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Bare Root Strawberries – Guide to Planting it

What are bare root strawberries? These are dormant strawberry plants not planted in soil but appear in shrivelled foliage for easy and cost-effective shipping. While planting bare root strawberry, you will want to make sure that they wake up from their dormant state and begin berry production as soon as possible. It isn’t always quite easy to tell whether plants …

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Growing Blueberries in Your Backyard

Blueberries (botanical name, Vaccinium corymbosum) are a large species of flowering plants with blue or purple coloured berries that are native to North America. Farmers love growing blueberries for their edible, sweet-tasting fruits. These berries have been termed ‘super food’, and are an excellent source of vitamins. Not only are blueberries highly nutritious, consuming them is also of great benefit …

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