Get to Know These Flowering Plants and Vibrant Greens – Plants that Start with ‘M’

It never occurred to us to associate flowers with letters! But it is possible, and in this article, we will do exactly that with the letter M. Did you know that a beautiful flower was the inspiration for one movie in 1999? Titled as the first plant in this article, ‘Magnolia’ is a psychological drama by Paul T. Anderson. After this article about plants that start with ‘M’, we recommend you to watch it!

4 Plants that Start with ‘M’:

Who wouldn’t want a garden full of green and accentuated by beautiful and colorful flowers? Get to know more about these beauties that bear flowers and from the species of flowering plants. Check out which one to include next in your plant family of plants that start with ‘M’.

1. Magnolia

Magnolia flower originates from North America, and there are more than 120 species of this beautiful ornamental tree. It has lush flowers, usually in white, pink, or purple. There are varieties of Magnolias that are in large blooms, about 15-30 cm across, and with an intoxicating scent.

Depending on the species, Magnolias begin to bloom in March. The leaves are leathery, large, bright green, and emerge after flowering. A half-shaded place suits Magnolias best. It has a shallow root, so be careful not to injure it when maintaining the garden. To protect it, apply a layer of mulch around the stem. Do not plant other plants near it. By doing so, there is enough space for it to grow and for its beauty to stand out.

Pointers to know when planting and growing Magnolias :

  1. Through seeds, cuttings, and lying twigs are ways to propagate Magnolias.
  2. The process is long and challenging. So get an already hardened seedling for better chances to succeed.
  3. Spring is the best time to plant. It thrives on rich, loose soil that retains moisture.
  4. In winter you need to protect it from frost and cold winds. Feed it once a year with lime-free fertilizer.
  5. Acidic soil is mainly found under pines. So add acidic soil to the existing one once a year.
  6. Water it regularly in the first few years after planting, and then only in summer.
  7. To maintain its beautiful shape, it should be trimmed. Kale wax should be should coat the cuts.
  8. Magnolia flower is one of the most popular household flowers in the United States.
  9. DNA has been found in many fossils, so it is believed that Magnolias grown since the time of the dinosaurs. The state of Louisiana uses this flower as its trademark.

2. Maranta

This ornamental tropical Maranta plant has green, oval, and large leaves. Between the leaf veins, there are spots in white, yellow, dark green, dark red, or copper, depending on the species. The young leaves come out wrapped, like a cigarette. Place it in a warm and bright place, but not in direct sunlight. The room temperature should be between 16 and 20 ° C. Water it very carefully and moderately because a lot of water can rupture the root collar. However, you need to provide moisture in the air, so spray the leaves daily with lukewarm water.

Transplant it every spring in shallow pots and provide good drainage. Keep the transplanted plants in a warm, bright, and closed place until they come to life. Provide them with enough moisture. From July to the next spring is when the division of root is done. Do take note that each part of the root must have veins.

Cuttings are taken from shoots from the top in the propagation of Maranta during spring. The temperature of the moist sand should be 18 to 22 °C before planting the cuttings.

3. Monstera Deliciosa, is nicknamed “cheese plant” among the plants that start with ‘M’

This plant has large dark green leaves that are deeply cut and hollow in the middle. It requires a lot of space because it can grow up to 3 meters. But it will take a long time because there are only 2-3 new leaves during the year. The Monstera Deliciosa can place it in a shady place like in the corner of a room.

Caring for your Monstera :

Watering and feeding fertilizers :

  1. It needs a little water, so during the summer water it every 5-6 days, and in winter every 10-12 days.
  2. Watering depends on the heat of the room which it is located.
  3. It also depends on to the size of pot it is planted on.
  4. You can occasionally spray the leaves, and be sure to clean them with a damp cloth or sponge. By holding them down while cleaning it, they will not be damaged.
  5. Feed it once a month with water to which you have added liquid fertilizer for houseplants.

Propagation :

  1. To make it easier to grow Monstera, put a stick in the pot to which you will tie it and allow it to grow more easily.
  2. It has aerial roots that in nature allow it to grow more easily. Do not cut them, but try to direct them towards the ground, so that they would take root and in that way, it would be more stable.
  3. If you want to reproduce this plant, you need to do it by cuttings from the top.
  4. In early spring, cut the top with two leaves and put it in water until it takes root, then plant it in the ground.
  5. The parent plant will continue to grow without any problems even though you have cut the top.
  6. If they do not get cavities even when they change color, it means that it lacks light and food.

4. Medinilla magnifica

This flower fully deserves the etymology (magnificent, beautiful), and originates from tropical lands. It grows big, near 30 cm tall. Large cluster-shaped flowers grow between the leaves, It starts to show flowers between March to August. When it blooms place it closed doors, so maybe the happiest will be in a greenhouse or on a tropical window.

It is best to place it in a bright place, so the sun won’t face it and it will grow. The temperature should be at least 22 ° C and abundantly watered with little water. It should have a lot of moisture in the air and should be regularly fed. The air that is dry is bad for this plant because will grow very poorly. During winter it should rest with a temperature of 15-17 ° C. Cut down to the old wooded tree every two years, thus, it should be placed in the soil in spring.

Other plants that start with ‘M’ :

There are countless flowers in the world, of course some that start with the letter M. But, here we have no place to pay attention to everyone, of course there are others, such as:  Marrow, Marigol, Mat grass, Melon, Mint, Mimosa, Monarda, Mango, Meadowsweet, Monkey, Morning glory, Myrtle, Melampodium, Morella

If you are a fan of green plants and vegetables, check out what companion plants is best with your favorites in this post.

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