10+ Beautiful Plants that Start with ‘T’ Will Add Lushness to Your Garden

You must be wondering how we can now connect botany with the alphabet. In this article, we will try to get acquainted with several species of plants that start with the letter T. Let’s have 4 of them: Tecoma Campsis radicans, Talinum, Tamarisk wood, and Taxodium.

1. Tecoma Campsis Radicans, first on the list of plants that start with ‘T’.

This lush deciduous creeping plant can also be grown as a canopy trunk. In North America where it originates, it grows in forest areas. It grows very fast and can cover large areas with its length or height. It begins to leaf in April and blooms throughout summer. The Campsis Grandiflora are trumpeted, with colors that are usually orange-red and also yellow. When the flowering period is over, the Tecoma should be cut into 5-7 buds. It produces legumes with seeds and has a strong root from which sprouts emerge throughout the year.

How to Care for Tecoma Campsis Radicans?

Watering should be more often during the summer because the root is shallow. A sunny or semi-shady place suits her best. If it does not bloom, it is probably because there is not enough light. Whether planted in a pot or in the garden, fertile and permeable soil should be provided.

Young plants grow a little slower, but in about 4 years will be at the full intensity of growth and flowering. It can withstand low temperatures down to -25 C °, although it is likely to freeze slightly.

If you are growing it as a crawler, provide strong support. It attaches to the walls with its aerial roots. If you want to form a canopy, remove the branches to the height at which you want the canopy to form. It happens that the Tecoma strengthens a lot, so it becomes stronger than the support and breaks it. Therefore, it is not recommended to weave it in the fence because it will overgrow completely and may damage it. It is interesting to plant next to an old dried tree.

Propagation is by seeds or shoots. After reaching a certain height and transplanted, they grow on their own. They will easily root and best covered with mulch. The soil for Campsis Grandiflora should be rich and well-drained.

2. Talinum

Talinum Adans Talinum genus, purslane families, and 50 species, distributed in Africa, America, and Asia, where Talinum T.paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn, in southwestern China to Taiwan. Annual or perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub, often with thick roots. Stems erect, fleshy, glabrous. Leaves alternate or partially opposite, leaves flat, entire, sessile or petiolate, without stipules. Flowers small, in raceme or panicle, rarely solitary and axillary; sepals two, separation or short base connate, oval, caducous, sparse. Capsule often drooping, spherical, oval or elliptical, film quality, three-lobed; Seeds almost spherical or flat spherical, bright black, with tumors or edges, caruncle pale white. About 50 species, mainly produced in America Hot (especially Mexico), Africa, Asia Plaza Health more than in a hot spot. China has a species, after planting Yisheng.

3. Tamarisk wood

This is a perfect plant or a great choice, because it’s good for the view in your garden and also it does not require a special care. Tamarisk it is a special bush looking plant.

Tamarisk wood flowers during the season of summer, and it has a special beautiful colors like white and pink. You need to place it in a place that has a direct sunlight, but also you need to hide it for a little period of the day. Sunlight makes this tree glows, and be more brighter in colors.

Treating hard soil with a little sand makes it permissive to water. The land where they are planted can become acidic. You should plant these trees in spring. Since shrubs have big roots, in order for its roots to expand, it needs a big hole in the ground. It is crucial information when watering because it needs to be made gently otherwise, you can hurt the plant.

4. Taxodium

Taxodium distichum originally from America and China has successfully introduced it for more than 80 years. In most parts of China, industrial forests and environmental protection forests. Its seeds are birds, squirrels, and other wildlife eating food. Therefore, strengthening forest parks, nature reserves protecting the food chain, protecting the soil, water, etc. play a good role.

Taxodium distichum cultivation is mainly in planting but also cuttings. The first seed treatment should be immediately after the seeds were placed in a damp sand layer. Placed in 5 ℃ coolers or refrigerator. Wet sand and seed mix (sand and seed ratio of about 8: 1), in a plastic bag. And then put in the basement or the open shade.

Sand should be regularly checked for dryness, such as drying (sand color white) when watering moisture. About 80 days from the day the seeds can absorb enough moisture.

More on Plants that Start with ‘T’ :

Now that we have some information and data about the plants that start with the letter T, we will try to give you a few more additional names related to the plants and this letter. For example: Tecoma, Thevetia, Twinleaf, Texas creeping, Triteleia, Tree Heaven, Turtlehead, Tanacetum, Trumpet tree, Thyme, Toad Lily, Terrestrial Orchid, Tomato, Tomatillo, Tigridia, Trillium, Tweedia, Teucrium, Thevetia, Trapa, Tipuana, Tiarella, Tripateleia.

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