Shrubs That Grow In The Shade

A shrub is a woody plant that is characterized as smaller than a tree, and mostly, have a round shape. It has various stems that branch from the ground level. Shrubs constitute a part of the garden design since it provides color, structure, interest, and character to the garden as a whole. There are various examples of shrubs that you can grow in the shade, such as the shrubs below.

Japanese Rose

Japanese Rose is scientifically known as Kerria Japonica that belongs to deciduous shrubs. It is one of the most popularly known shrubs that grow in the shade. It usually flowers in Spring but may bloom in multiple times. Its bark looks like Kelly green or greenish-yellow in the winter.

You can revive the overgrown shrubs by cutting them back to the ground during fall. Japanese Rose needs a partial shade of the sun and a loamy soil to grow healthy. It is perfect to add colors to your backyard farm.

Mountain Laurel

Mountain Laurel is scientifically known as Kalmia Latifolia, coming from eastern North America. Some of the color varieties of this shrub include white, rose, and pink. The natural habitat of Mountain laurel is a woodland area shaded by trees.

The bushes are glossy and have evergreen leaves. It also produces flowers during the later part of the Spring season. Mountain Laurel needs a rich, acidic, and cool soil to thrive well. Remember that it does not grow well in clay.

Climbing Hydrangea

Climbing Hydrangea or Hydrangea anomala is a climbing vine that you can trim and maintain like shrubs. Its color varieties include blue, white, purple, and pink. This plant likes a shaded area but may yield a tremendous flowering display when you exposed it to a little amount of sunlight. So, Climbing Hydrangea needs partial shade and a moist acidic type of soil.

Canadian Hemlock

Canadian Hemlock or Tsuga Canadensis is a needled evergreen that you can trim to develop dense foliage. Its color varieties include yellow to light green. It is small and non-ornamental.

It needs partial sunshine to partial shade, and mostly, it grows well in a rich, moist, and acidic type of soil.


Andromeda or Pieris Japonica is a shade-tolerant bush that offers cute flowers. Most people love this shrub because of its fragrance – I find its smell so good. It has the white color variety that needs full to the part sunshade. It requires a well-drained and slightly acidic type of soil. 


Yews are also called a Taxus genus; it is a popular plant during Christmas. It is a needled evergreen bush that is famous because of its red and berry-like cones that grow in the shade.

You can trim Yews in the summer to remain attractive. It needs either partial shade or full shade. If you will plant this, make sure to have well-drained soil. Yews can become poisonous because of its leaves and its bright and red berries.

If you are interested in planting shrubs, these examples of shrubs that grow in the shade can give you a planting idea.

Check my other post on sustainable backyard farm.

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