How to Raise Monarch Caterpillars

Monarch caterpillars and butterflies are the most beautiful and iconic insects. It goes down memory lane when we were young and raised black, yellow and white caterpillars for fun as kindergarteners. Its speedy metamorphosis was amazing. It was fun looking at them transform from brilliant colored worm to a slender black and white insect with beautiful wings.

Raising Monarch caterpillars is a hobby and obsession. It was impressive when I was a five-year-old kid and still impressive now that I have a five-year-old kit.

Where to find Monarch caterpillars

They love the places where milkweed thrives, and that is where you can find them. The milkweed plant is their only meal. You can easily find milkweed plants in undeveloped agricultural land, meadows and any area where undisturbed vegetation has been allowed to grow roadsides and ditches.

Female monarchs love to roost in summer afternoons on trees. You will find them laying eggs on milkweed growing under the trees, and they are organized and intelligent, each egg on one milkweed for sufficient food when they hatch. They choose young and healthier milkweed plants to lay eggs on.


Monarch caterpillars tend to be caterpillars for 10-14 days during which they will molt five times. You will find them in five different sizes during this period. After every molt, caterpillars may remain motionless and needs less or no disturbance in their habitat. They could be preparing or recovering and requires plenty of food during these times. You can raise monarch caterpillar from the smallest larvae stage, but it is easier at later stages, it is possible but requires you to commit raising them for a longer time. For larger, caterpillars, it takes them a couple of days to feed before reaching their final stages of molting, that is building their chrysalis.

Housing caterpillars

After collecting your caterpillars, set them a habitat. Keep in mind ventilation, moisture and area while setting up their habitat. Ensure your the habitat is well ventilated for your caterpillars to get plenty of oxygen supply. You will also want to ensure your caterpillars are hydrated all the time. You can do so by ensuring that your cuttings are fresh all the time. Standing water will drown your caterpillars and I bet that is the last thing you want to happen. Simply damp a paper towel at the bottom of the habitat. Lastly, the area in which caterpillars live in should be spacious enough.


Always ensure you feed the caterpillar with the milkweed you found with. This way you will ensure no bacteria will affect your caterpillar and you are assured that the caterpillar will feed on it. Replace milkweed cuttings daily to ensure they are always fresh.


After about a week taking care of your caterpillar, it will start to look plump. It will begin to hand down in a J shape and that is when you know it is building its chrysalis. When chrysalis starts to darken, know that your butterfly will emerge soon. When it emerges give it sometime before releasing.

Check out the following gallery for inspiration if raising monarch caterpillars is your hobby.

Check my other DIY article. DIY chicken coop and DIY beehive designs.

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