Bee Control: Do Sweat Bees Sting?

So, do sweat bees sting? Stick around to find out.

Bees have been in the headlines of late, and it is not for a happy reason. This is due to the loss of their habitat, effects of global warming, plus mono cropping practices in agriculture. Bees play a very vital role, and the continued threat that they are being faced with. Will not only rake havoc in the world economy but also the entire ecosystem will be affected.

However, there are about 20,000 species that are known of bees, and among this species is the sweat bee. Sweat bees can often be seen flying around gardens with lots of pollen gathered in their back legs. This sight means that these pollen-loaded sweat bees are making their way back to the nest. So that they can store there harvest for food.

Sweat Bees; what are they?

Among the group of introverted species of bees, the sweat bee lives on its own in underground nests. There are some varieties of sweat bees that have a close resemblance to the bumblebee. Honey bees and others have a striking resemblance to the wasp. In North America alone, have the species of sweat bees have a blue or green shiny metallic lustre.Also, small nests do not pose a severe threat. However, you should take measures within your garden to ensure that these nests are controlled to avoid them from building several nests and getting out of hand.

Sweat bees are known to have a tendency of building their nests in exposed,dry dirt. To control the sweat bee population, you need to grow something and avoiding bare land within your premises. This can be achieved by increasing vines or plant covers and making an expansion to your lawn as well. You can also choose to start a new garden, either way, all these methods act as a sure way of controlling sweat bee population.

You need to look out for the edges of your garden where vegetation has been removed or the rows connecting plant. This can be achieved by covering the soil with, mulch or landscape fabric.

Sweat bees play a crucial role in pollination, so the use of insecticides should be avoided at all times. If you locate them in areas where they pose a threat to you and your family, you can choose to use a safe insecticide, and a perfect example would be permethrin.

Do Sweat Bees Sting? What Attracts Sweat Bees

Human sweat is the main attraction for sweat bees, and the females are the one that is known to sting. Once the female sweat bee stings you, it will not remove the stinger and will continue to inject venom into your system until you pull it out. Therefore you need to remove the stinger as quickly as you can.

Once stung by a sweat bee, you need to spreadice around the area pierced by the stinger to minimize the pain plus the swelling around that area. Pain killers can be useful in relieving the pain as well as the itching and swelling.

A homemade solution that can act as a pain reliever that you can opt for is making a paste with the ingredients of baking soda, water, and meat tenderizer. This will aid in the pain at once after the sting from the sweat bee.

However, there are circumstances when the sting can be severe, and these apply to sensitive areas. You need to seek medical attention if the sweat bee stings you in the on the head, mouth or the neck.

You also to seek professional help if you experience or have experienced the following;

  • Multiplestings
  • You experience  difficulty in breathing
  • There are known allergies to bees

Nonetheless, sweat bees are very calm insects, and they usually are not very aggressive. They will show their aggressiveness when they are attacked, and they will behave defensively. Being aware of collective sweat bee behaviour can assist in avoiding being stung. These are:

  • When you see sweat bees making vibrations in the ground, usually around their nests, this is a sign to keep away as the bees have braced a defensive behaviour. Chances are if you continue to provoke them, they will sting you.
  • You need to keep away from there nests, and when standing above them, you need to endure that your shadow is not covering their nests. This is because they interpret shadows as a sign of danger. Therefore your shadow to them is a sign that you are dangerous and you want to harm them, so they will retaliate in defence.
  • Probably the most essential consideration to bear in mind is that you should never get between a sweat bee and his nest. Doing this is an act of war, and the bees will see you as a threat.


Among the group of introverted species of bees, the sweat bee lives on its own in underground nests. Sweat bees are known to have a tendency of building their nests exposed dry dirt, and to control the sweat bee population, you need to grow something and avoiding bare land within your premises.

You need to look out for edges of your garden where vegetation has been removed or the rows between plant. Sweat bees play a crucial role in pollination, so the use of insecticides should be avoided at all times. Human sweat is the main attraction for sweat bees, and the females are the one that is known to sting. When stung by a sweat bee, you need to spread ice around the area pierced by the stinger to minimize the pain plus the swelling around that area.

However, there are circumstances when the sting can be severe, and these apply to sensitive areas. So that does it about sweat bees, and you have your answer on whether sweat bees sting. And if you do get stung, you need to seek medical attention.

Read my other post on types of bees and DIY beehive designs.

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