3 Plants that Make You Itch: Be Careful! They Might Be in Your Garden

We all love spending time in nature. It clears our minds and souls, it makes us relaxed and we forget our problems for a while. We can connect with the plants and animals and we can enjoy the wonderful views they offer. Of course, we rarely imagine this turning into an awful experience.

Sometimes we can touch something or just touch something that causes pain to our skin. These can be described as dermatitis which refers to anything that causes irritation to our skin. Different things can happen on your skin as an effect of dermatitis. Common symptoms are an itch, a rash, red skin, and blisters. 

There are many things that can cause itching to your body, especially when you go out in nature. There are many plants that make you itch and you might not even be aware of the effect until the itching occurs. Some plants that make you itch cause symptoms to appear right away, while some appear later. 

Different Plants that Make You Itch

Itchy After Gardening-What Might It Be?

You might have noticed that whenever you do some activities in the garden, you feel itchy after gardening. This has occurred several times. Well, the reason is that you might be growing some plants that make you itch. 

Asters are mainly fall plants that can grow in your garden. You can get itchy not only from touching it but even if the leaves or the broken stems of the asters touch you. This is worse since they can fly with the wind and touch you. They are especially itchy for people with very sensitive skin. 

Bishop’s weed is another plant that is common in gardens. They usually grow in the grounds so you have to be careful especially during the summer months when we do not really want to wear shoes. Bishop’s weed can cause very intense itching and sometimes even blisters. 

Blanket flowers are also common causes of itching. You can get itchy by each part of the blanket flowers so you should be careful whenever you see these kind of flowers

Itchy Bumps After Yard Work

Were you cutting grass and you noticed itchy bumps after yard work? This might be because of grass rash that causes itching or any other skin reaction. 

One reason why grass might cause itching is that you have an allergy. If you have an allergy, you will get more severe symptoms besides itching so you should always call emergency in that case. Another reason is that you skin reacts to irritants like grass. So whenever you come into contact with grass, you will get itchy bumps and rashes. 

You should be very careful if your skin type is very sensitive. Sensitive skins are more prone to getting itching after being in contact with grass. 

Apart from your yards and gardens, I am sure you come into contact with plants in other places as well. Well, there are other plants that make you itch but maybe you do not have them near your house. However, you should remember these plants for the next time you go hiking or for just a walk. 

Other Plants that Make You Itch

Poison Ivy is among the most popular plants but not for a good reason. You can find this plant in almost every place such as woods, mountains, yards, and streets. Coming into contact with any of the plant’s part can cause you extreme itching and other skin irritations. The effect usually comes out after a couple of days but it can take up to two weeks to heal from it. The bad thing is that any part of the plants can cause you itching since they all contain the element of urushiol. 

Poison oak is another dangerous plant for our skin. Just like the poison ivy, poison oak’s every part has urushiol which means that any contact with any part of the plant will cause itching or worse symptoms of skin irritation. 

Wood nettle is less dangerous than the other two. Its most dangerous part are the leaves which contain stings on them. However, you should beware of their stems also since they are also covered by stings. They can cause extreme itching but this effect goes away usually after an hour. 

Leadwort is a flower that looks very beautiful on the outside. It usually grows in warm and sunny spots. It is a common plant also in some gardens. The flower itself can cause extreme itching when touched so you should always be careful around it. 

What to Do After?

Since dangerous plants are everywhere, you have a high chance of contacting plants that make you itch. This can be when you feel itchy after gardening or notice itchy bumps after yard work. It can also happen due to other plants that make you itch that can be found outside garden or yard. So, what to do after?

As a first step, it is recommended to rinse it with water and soap or alcohol. Afterwards, you can apply lotion that helps the itching to cool down. Add more lotion as needed! If you notice a more severe skin irritation, turn to the doctor.


Although nature has always been viewed as remedy for all kinds of problems we have, sometimes it can actually cause us pain. Contacts with any kind of dangerous plant may cause dermatitis that can manifest itself in itching or other skin problems. Itching can be very annoying, especially in a Sunday afternoon when you went hiking for relaxation. 

Therefore, you should be careful. Plants that make you itch may be present even outside your house, in your garden or in your yard. You may also come in contact with such plants when you go into the woods, to the mountains, or when you simply walk down a street. 

Although itching might not be a big problem, it can be a huge inconvenience. This can happen especially if it escalates and forms bumps or blisters. To prevent this from happening, you can apply water as soon as you touch a plant and then put some lotion on it. These can help deal with it. 

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