DIY Herbs Planter Box

The functional DIY herbs planter box is perfect for homeowners and the renters. It does not matter whether you have big or large outdoor because this is perfect for both spaces. Herbs can grow well too in a container planter. Besides, if you plant your herbs in a container, you can take them indoors whenever it gets cold outside. You can raise an edible herb for you to use in your kitchen recipe. Of course, it is essential to keep the herbs watered.

Container Herbs Planter

This planter is easy to build. If you plan to put your herbs outdoors, use a water-resistant wood. You can also add paint if you wish. The materials you need to make this planter are wood, glue, metal clips, hammer, spray paint, two clamps, waterproof tape, and nails. Follow the steps below to do it:

Step 1. Place the clips to the marked area. A pencil can be used to mark the location of the box to which you will attach the clips. After putting the mark, hammer the nail to poke a bit so that the clip would slide. 

Step 2. Paint the clip using the spray paint suitable for the metal. Use the trimmed card and write the name of the herbs in the box.

Step 3. Line the box of the waterproof plastic or tape. It will keep the box from warping so much if the herbs need to regulate watering. 

Other Options for DIY Herbs planter box

Some herbs planter types you may like are the following:

Space Maximizing Herbs Planter

This type of herbs planter is ideal for taking advantage of the vertical space that is used. It also creates a lovely pop of color in the living area outdoors. Plus, you can plant more than herbs, you may also add flowers to the planter. 

Mason Jar Wall Herbs Planter

If you don’t have anywhere to set your planter in a spot where it is sunny, try the mason jar wall planter. It is inexpensive, and the materials necessary are easy to find, such as wood, jars, and hose clamps. You can also find them at the stores. 

Galvanized Tub Herbs Planter

If you like scouring at the flea market and looking for old things, this herb planter is perfect for your herb. If the herbs are not necessarily the thing, but you enjoy looking at it, you can try planting two vegetables in the tub.

Tabletop Clothespin Herbs Planter

Growing the herbs indoor does not make you lazy. It can skip the boredom that you feel. These planters are very affordable because it is only made with tin cans. Yet, it is bridal.

Check my other articles on herb gardening. DIY herbs garden guide & Perennial herbs garden.

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