Interesting Plants That Start With ‘W’

Whether it is wanting to boost your creativity or simply have cleaner air in your office or home, plants are there to take care of it all. When you have small healthy plants in your environment, you are taking care of your body without being aware of it. Plants also help reduce noise levels by absorbing the sounds. This helps greatly in an office as it reduces the background chatter and lets you focus on your work. For this reason, it is important to be aware of the different kinds of plants. Here we will talk about various plants that start with ‘W’.

You might not have heard of some of them so read on to find some interesting plants in our list.

Common Plants that Start with ‘W’

Wake Robin

Wake-robin is a plant that is found in North America. The noticeable feature about it is that it has everything threes. Its flower has three petals that are opened from three green sepals on top of three leaves. This flower blooms for various weeks in the middle of spring. It reaches up to eighteen inches in height. It can only survive in wet conditions. This is why it needs to be planted in moist soil. But at the same time, you should make sure that the soil is drained well. The care required to grow wake robins is easy.

To mature fully, wake-robin requires at least five to seven years. In the wild, wake robins can grow so much that the ground gives the effect of being covered with snow. A species related to wake robin is called the purple trillium which, like its name implies, has reddish to purplish petals.

Wax Plant

Another white plant that starts with ‘W’ is the wax plant. It has long and slender vines which are covered with thick leaves. If these plants are provided with the right amount of light, they form white or pink flowers in the shape of a star. These flowers are also called Porcelain Flower due to its intense detailing and symmetrical shape.

This plant blooms in most of the seasons which is to say it blooms in spring, autumn and summer. The flowers have a sweet scent and may release some sticky nectar. If the soil is too wet or too dry, the flower buds can fall off. Secondly, if the flowers are forming and you move the flower, the buds may drop due to the change in light. It can be considered “Late Bloomer” since from seed form, it may not bloom for at least two to three years.

Winter Hazel

Winter hazel gives you some sweet-smelling, bell-shaped flowers in late winter to early spring. They shed leaves in the autumn. This plant flowers when most of the other plants have already completed their process of flowering. Winter hazel can attain a height of up to three meters.

The soil it needs has to have a certain pH value to make it acidic enough. The soil should also be drained properly and mixed with organic things like rotten manure. It needs full sunlight so it cannot be kept inside if you want it to grow properly. However, make sure the peak summer afternoon light does not hit it directly.

After making sure the winter hazel initially has the required soil and light, it can grow healthily mostly on its own. There is no need for a lot of water nor any need for fertilizers.

Bushes that start with ‘W’

Wax Myrtle is a shrub that can grow to about twenty feet in height. It has a spicy scent and it has different male and female plants. The female plants have blueberries on them during the winter. They remain green throughout the year and can act as a very good screen plant. It also becomes a source of honey. If there is a habitat that needs to be restored, this plant can be very helpful.

Another one of the bushes that start with ‘W’ is the willow shrub.  These are shrubs that are fast in growing and are very easy to take care of. It is one of the first bushes that come to bloom when spring comes. Willow has around three hundred species. Willow shrub comes in a variety of colours and sizes. They can truly beautify an area with their unique attractiveness. It grows up to six feet tall. 

Flowers that start with ‘W’

Wallflower (there is a movie about this one, too!) is one of the flowers that start with ‘W’. These are some very colourful plants and have a nice fragrance. They bloom almost the whole year and give the garden its planted in a very stand-out look. It usually has four petals and colours include red, blue, purple, orange and red. These are easy to grow and need a place which is sunny and the bright light is falling on it.

Water lilies, as the name implies, grows in water. They usually have round leaves which are coated with wax. The flowers float on top of the freshwater whereas the long stalks are attached to underground stems. This flower has many species. In some of them, the flowers only open at a certain time of day for pollination.


Not all plants do well inside our house and each plant has its own needs and wants. To be able to extract the maximum benefits of a plant, we should be aware of all how we can take care of it. There is a range of plants you can choose from. If you want to choose a plant that starts with ‘W’, you can go over the list provided above.

Some of these are easy to grow and some require extra care and attention. Growing plants can also be a very therapeutic activity. See which plant goes well with your mood and day-to-day life and make sure to go out and buy it for yourself.

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